Friday, January 30, 2004

Yesterday's goals:

-Don't eat way, way too many hotwings at the bar. Only 8. They're chicken wings, come on, 8 isn't than many. Chicken wings are teeney.
-Don't drink too much.
-Take car in to see what horribly shaking thing is. Yay! It was snow in my tires = not expensive at all to repair.
-Write check & mail car insurance.
-Take a nap before going out, or go to bed early. Well, midnightish. Not too bad considering lately.

Oh, I am so glad it's friday. Weekend & today:

-Go to gym on Saturday for sure & Sunday hopefully.
-Have lunch at NY Burrito with Chad & don't eat complete crap.
-Mail car insurance. Seriously. They're going to drop it if they don't get some money soon.
-Make turkey, turkey stock, and that veggie soup Mac posted on her blog the other day.
-Do dinner & a movie with boy on Saturday.
-Opera tonight with boy, Mitch & Nai, & Maneesh.
-Sleep in late & stay in bed as long as possible.
-Clean bedroom & get rid of some stuff.

Ambitous, but I need to get some things done.

Thursday, January 29, 2004


-Try and stick to my South Beach.
-Go to gym.
-Don't have more than a couple of drinks at the concert tonight.
-Be nice to boyfriend's friend who is coming to stay for 2 to 7 days and who is going to seriously mess up my routine.
-Cut up some celery to bring for snacks tomorrow with hummus.

So yeah, I was ok yesterday. south beach thing is still not happening but I've been fairly good about not eating too many carbs. And I only had 2 beers at the concert, nevermind the shot of jameson before....

Today has been a No Good Very Bad Day so I have eaten total crap (lo mein! eesh. Could I have any more fat & starch?) and had way too much diet coke. So we'll keep teh goals easy:

-Don't eat way, way too many hotwings at the bar.
-Don't drink too much.
-Take car in to see what horribly shaking thing is.
-Write check & mail car insurance.
-Take a nap before going out, or go to bed early.

That should do it. So sleepy.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Yesterday's not so ambitious goals:

-Do not crash car in the snow. You wouldn't think this was a big accomplishment, but it really is. You should see all the freaking snow.
-Go to gym. Ran ran ran.
-See boyfriend at some point. He made me dinner! Whoo!
-Go to bed early. Well, early-ish even though I slept like crap. Sigh.

How much do I love the gym now? I'm not even kidding, it has helped me be so much less stressed out with my family and everyone... and much less crabby also. Who knew less free time would leave me less crabby instead of more?

Also, talked (over email) with Mac yesterday about South Beach, and she gave me some good tips. It doesn't sound like I was eating enough - I was using the same tupperware containers I alwasy bring my lunch in, but i was bringing salad instead of pasta or rice/stirfry. Duh, you need to eat a LOT more salad to even come close to having enough calories to keep your body moving. So I'm trying to start again and hopefully it will go better this time.

Anyway. Today:

-Try and stick to my South Beach.
-Go to gym.
-Don't have more than a couple of drinks at the concert tonight.
-Be nice to boyfriend's friend who is coming to stay for 2 to 7 days and who is going to seriously mess up my routine.
-Cut up some celery to bring for snacks tomorrow with hummus.

That should do it. Back to work!

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Yesterday's goals weren't too terribly ambitious:

-Try and stick to diet, even though pizza is coming for lunch.
-Do not crash car in the snow.

though I came close to crashing the car many times, I never actually did it. yay for me. Boo for the snow which totally sucks.

Did not manage to stick to the diet. I was SO FREAKING HUNGRY. Sigh. Maybe I can modify my eating habits a little but but man, I don't think I can give up the carbs.

On a good note, I didn't have any pizza yesterday. Even though it smelled really good.


-Do not crash car in the snow.
-Go to gym.
-See boyfriend at some point.
-Go to bed early.

It's freezing out and I'm unmotivated, that's enough for today.

Monday, January 26, 2004

Well, i was fairly productive this weekend:

-Post office - mail ebay stuff and swimsuit to Erika.
-South Beach book. Finished the book yesterday, and today is day 1. Yippee.
-Pay bills/set up auto payment at the gym from account so as not to lose membership.
-Go through wardrobe (again) and get rid of some stuff, especially shoes.
-Set up bill pay from checking account.
-Sleep lots.

So not too bad, eh?

-Try and stick to diet, even though pizza is coming for lunch.
-Do not crash car in the snow.

That should do it for today. It's monday, not feeling particularly ambitious.

Friday, January 23, 2004

Yesterday I wasn't very good:

-Gym if back from Lincoln by 4:45.
-go to sister's bball game at 5:45.
-Mail money to ebay person.
-Mail swimsuit to Erika.
-Read more South Beach.
-Eat decent and semi-healthful dinner.

Didn't go to post office and mail that stuff, didn't touch the book, and had Taco Bell for dinner. At least I went to the gym.


-Post office - mail ebay stuff and swimsuit to Erika.
-South Beach book.
-Pay bills/set up auto payment at the gym from account so as not to lose membership.
-Go through wardrobe (again) and get rid of some stuff, especially shoes.
-Set up bill pay from checking account.
-Sleep lots.

That should do it, right?

Thursday, January 22, 2004

How am I supposed to know if done anything if I don't write down what it is that I am supposed to be doing throughout the day?

Then again if I don't have time to write anything because all I am doing is working then how do I have time to do anything else other then work?

It is 6.19PM I have been here at work since 8.10AM no lunch break and I have been working on documents all day and I am not done although I made a large dent, the bathrooms are closed because they are being cleaned and I drank a huge coke to stay awake.

My days consist of:
Up at 6.10AM (usually more like 6.25AM)
Run around get ready leave to go to work ariive at work at 8.05-8.10AM
Work until I can't keep my eyes open or am angry which usually puts me home somewhere between 6.45-7.00PM....
Eat dinner
Iron clothes for work
Wash dishes or do some sort of thing that takes less then an hour
Watch TV, fall asleep while watching. annoying constant, the work thing.

Well tonight my only goal is to watch friends and make it through Friday.


-Read more of South Beach book.
-Pick up key at Curt's place after work. And then went and had a burger with guacamole for dinner, eek.
-More laundry.
-Pack crap to take back to parent's house.
-Pick up housesitting lady at airport at 10:10 pm.

Didn't get a chance to read more of the book, as I was really busy.. oh well. Hopefully tonight.

-Gym if back from Lincoln by 4:45.
-go to sister's bball game at 5:45.
-Mail money to ebay person.
-Mail swimsuit to Erika.
-Read more South Beach.
-Eat decent and semi-healthful dinner.

That should be enough, it is only thursday after all.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Yesterday's stuff:

-Gym right after work. Ran my butt off.
-Eat leftovers for dinner, do not get takeout.
-Start getting crap together to move out of housesitting place. Yay, it's almost over!

Not bad, except I did have frozen pizza for dinner beccause I didn't feel like eating leftovers. Oh well.

-Read more of South Beach book.
-Pick up key at Curt's place after work.
-More laundry.
-Pack crap to take back to parent's house.
-Pick up housesitting lady at airport at 10:10 pm.

Yippee, housesitting gig almost over! I am so happy about this.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I was impressively good yesterday:

-Put gas in car before it stops running.
-Look for South Beach book at Borders. I bought it too, will start reading today.
-Pilates class. Which totally kicked my ass.
-Make dinner - portobellas and rice and some sauce. Actually, Curt made dinner. But we didn't go out so that was the point.
-Keep kitchen fairly clean. Actually, Curt cleaned the kitchen. He truly rules.
-Fill out UNO application. Seriously. Filled it out and filled out the request for transcript for Marquette, now just need to find $45 to send the stupid thing in.

Very nice. For today:

-Gym right after work.
-Eat leftovers for dinner, do not get takeout.
-Start getting crap together to move out of housesitting place.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Friday/Weekend goals:

-Gym tonight & either Sat or Sunday. Both Friday night and Sunday. Yay me.
-Lunch with Chad at 1:00 - do not eat complete crap. Well, pizza. But only 2 pieces and I had a salad too.
-Bubble bath when I get home from gym. More a reward than a goal I guess... but still. Gotta have it. :)
-Behave at party tonight. Well, didn't go to the party. But I was fairly well-behaved - we had a few drinks at the old dundee, and then went out with Katrina, but I wasn't belligerant or anything.
-Pick up mail & hair stuff at parent's house. Done and done.
-Clean kitchen (again). It is so much easier to clean a kitchen when there is a dishwasher available.
-Laundry, including sheets & towels for whites. Just towels, no room for the sheets.

So I was pretty productive this weekend - the only thing I didn't do on the list was the bath. Not too shabby. Maybe tonight after pilates... Hm.


-Put gas in car before it stops running.
-Look for South Beach book at Borders.
-Pilates class.
-Make dinner - portobellas and rice and some sauce.
-Keep kitchen fairly clean.
-Fill out UNO application. Seriously.

That will do for today. Yippee.

Friday, January 16, 2004

Yesterday's goals:

-Consider going to gym. If not must go on Friday right after work. Well, I considered and declined. But I brought my stuff and am going to go tonight.
-Laundry. Getting dire. Must do. Dark clothes at least, not enough whites for a whole load. who knew I wore so much black?
-Clean kitchen. But then I made pasta and another mess. Oh well.
-UNO application.
-Take dog for walk.
-Look at apartments/townhouses in newspaper to see what's out there.

Well, I didn't do that stuff because I was watching "Sliding Doors" and hanging out with the boyfriend, who was at work 2.5 hours longer than normal because of trying to format some web thingy for a client. He was crabby when he first got home so I thought it was more important to hang with him than to play with paperwork or read the paper.

Anyway. For today/weekend:

-Gym tonight & either Sat or Sunday.
-Lunch with Chad at 1:00 - do not eat complete crap.
-Bubble bath when I get home from gym. More a reward than a goal I guess... but still. Gotta have it. :)
-Behave at party tonight.
-Pick up mail & hair stuff at parent's house.
-Clean kitchen (again).
-Laundry, including sheets & towels for whites.

I guess that's all.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Goals for yesterday:

-Make soup for which I made stock last night. Do not snack way through day.
-Do a load of laundry.
-Go to gym and run + situps/crunches.
-Fill out UNO application so can maybe go back to school this summer & take a class or two.
-Run to SuperTarget at lunch. Buy only what is on list, nothing else.

I still snacked through my entire morning yesterday. Phooey. I don't know why cheezits sound so good at 9 am, but dammit, they just do.

For today:
-Consider going to gym. If not must go on Friday right after work.
-Laundry. Getting dire. Must do.
-Clean kitchen.
-UNO application.
-Take dog for walk.
-Look at apartments/townhouses in newspaper to see what's out there.

Yawn. Very tired.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Goals for Tuesday:

-Go to store and get food. Don't buy crap just what is on list.
-Bed early.
-Do a load of laundry.
-Figure out dishwasher in housesitting place.
-Plan to go to gym on Wednesday night.

So I didn't go to bed until midnight and didn't do any laundry. But really, the laundry is not so dire and that's still not that late, so I'm please. And I did bring my gym stuff for tonight - yay!

Today's (Wednesday) Goals:

-Make soup for which I made stock last night. Do not snack way through day.
-Do a load of laundry.
-Go to gym and run + situps/crunches.
-Fill out UNO application so can maybe go back to school this summer & take a class or two.
-Run to SuperTarget at lunch. Buy only what is on list, nothing else.

Yee to the haw.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Goals for Monday were:

-Eat leftovers for lunch. Do not buy food. I was good. Had frozen pizza for dinner, but still, that's pretty cheap. And it was vegetarian, so no fatty sausage stuff.
-Finish stupid audit file crap. Do not avoid any longer. Having Tony pull files so I can go through them. Baby steps.
-Send recordings to county. Of course, there are more, but it was empty yesterday.
-Go to gym, either run or pilates at 7:30. Actually, I did both.

So that was pretty good, I am pleased with Monday. I am housesitting this week, so that is kind of a pain, but they have an AWESOME kitchen so I am going to cook a bunch I think. So today:

-Go to store and get food. Don't buy crap just what is on list.
-Bed early.
-Do a load of laundry.
-Figure out dishwasher in housesitting place.
-Plan to go to gym on Wednesday night.

That's good, right? Keeping it light this week.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Ok, this was the to-do from Thursday:

-Go to gym & run. Go me! That was 3X this week.
-Go to sister's basketball game tonight, so she can't push guilt button about being a Horrible Sister anymore. Too bad I got there too late to actually see her PLAY... will have to go to another game.
-Moisturize After gym/shower. Skin totally going to fall off in layers if I don't keep this up though.
-In bed before 11

Not so much with the in bed before 11, but I was in bed before 1:00 am, so I guess that's better than say, 3. Right?

This weekend I was ok but not great.

Good: -Worked out on Saturday.
Bad: -Did so as to sweat off hangover from friday night, when I drank no less than an entire bottle of cabernet, a martini, another glass of zinfandel, and a scotch. Oy.

Other than that, it was a pretty normal weekend. We went out on Saturday but I didn't drink to terrible excess (probably for fear of being hungover); didn't stop at Taco Bell on the way home from the bar either. We had organic soy brunch today too at the Crunchy Granola-y Restaurant. Good OJ.

Then tonight we had casserole dinner and a bunch of wine in a box. *sigh* Maybe someday I will have a healthy lifestyle.

-Eat leftovers for lunch. Do not buy food.
-Finish stupid audit file crap. Do not avoid any longer.
-Send recordings to county.
-Go to gym, either run or pilates at 7:30.

That should be good.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Well, yesterday wasn't SO great, but not so bad either. Here's the list:

-Lunch with naomi at the Indian place. Don't order anything fried. Actually went somewhere else. Had spinach salad with salmon. Probably negated by bacon dressing and handful of M&Ms, but still.
-Go to gym right after work - take 5:30 strength class if in time, otherwise run again and do some free weights.
-Don't eat crap for dinner. Have some vegetables, for christ's sake. We made soup with lots of veggies, so that was good.
-Go through stuff in bedroom tonight. Get rid of some of it because I don't use it and it is silly to keep moving it from place to place.

Not great but not awful. I should save the bedroom stuff for this weekend...

Didn't go to gym, but I was so sleepy yesterday there is no way I would have been able to work out. Today though.

-Go to gym & run.
-Go to appointment at Planned Parenthood. Actually already did this.
-Go to sister's basketball game tonight, so she can't push guilt button about being a Horrible Sister anymore.
-In bed before 11

The last two are related to a realization this morning that if I don't drink enough water or get enough sleep, you can see it on my skin. Scary. Must start sleeping more.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Yesterday's goals and what I actually got accomplished:

-Call Planned parenthood. Seriously. Appointment is Thursday at 12:15. Go me.
-Laundry/cleaning in bedroom
-Do not eat burger king even though i am having irrational craving for Whopper. Have healthy lunch which involves vegetables or fruit of some kind.
-Get some yoga pants or something to wear to gym at target.
-Drink lots of water.

Altogether not a horrible day, though the lunch thing shouldn't really count. I had Taco Bell. I can't decide which is worse, Taco bell or BK. And I did actually go to the gym last night, just ran for half an hour but still, at least I went. I drank a crapload of water at night after the gym, but most of the day was spent sucking down diet Pepsi. Why do I have such a soda addiction?

Oh, and I didn't actually buy anything at Target for the gym, but I did go look for gym clothes. Instead I bought suede gloves.


-Lunch with naomi at the Indian place. Don't order anything fried.
-Go to gym right after work - take 5:30 strength class if in time, otherwise run again and do some free weights.
-Don't eat crap for dinner. Have some vegetables, for christ's sake.
-Go through stuff in bedroom tonight. Get rid of some of it because I don't use it and it is silly to keep moving it from place to place.

I guess that's all for today.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Yesterday I was fairly good, but there is some stuff I still need to work on. Oh well, today is a new day.

I did:

-go to pilates. plus fast walk on treadmill for 25 mins. legs, abs sore today so that is a good sign.
-drank lots of water.
-dropped off probation crap.
-had sushi for lunch. but that is probably negated by the half a box of cheezits I had at 3.

I didn't rinse off my car because it was -2 degrees (not kidding) when I went to leave the office for lunch, so I figured that would be a bad idea, because it might freeze my car shut. So I'll do that when it gets warm again.


-Call Planned parenthood. Seriously.
-Laundry/cleaning in bedroom
-Do not eat burger king even though i am having irrational craving for Whopper. Have healthy lunch which involves vegetables or fruit of some kind.
-Get some yoga pants or something to wear to gym at target.
-Drink lots of water.

I guess that should be reasonable. I don't think I'm going to the gym tonight because I want to get that stuff taken care of, but I will go tomorrow.

Monday, January 05, 2004

My weekend was pretty good...

-Went to gym to get weighed/measured
-Went to alcohol education class on saturday, thereby fulfilling one of my probation requirements
-Ate soup for lunch on Saturday (probably negated by dinner of pastrami sandwich/beer, but still...)
-Ate omelette for brunch on Sunday and had lots of salad and only 2 small pieces of pizza for dinner on Sunday.
-Brought coffee from home today and had a nutrigrain bar for breakfast

However I did not

-work out after wieghing/measuring, as I was starving
-clean or do any laundry

Today I will:

-Go to pilates at 7:30 pm with Chad
-Drink 2 more 0.5 Liter bottles of water at work + more at gym
-Mail probation crap
-Call Planned Parenthood for Depo shot so as not to have small army of Gl@sford babies running around
-Eat something healthy for lunch. No chinese. Maybe sushi - sushi ok if a little high in salt because of all the soy sauce. Maybe a small salad too. Note to self: salad does not count as healthy if includes blue cheese dressing. Have vinaigrette.
-Rinse salt and road grime off car.

Well the weekend was very productive but I did not accomplish all that I wanted to....
I did not read Bridget I am only a few pages into June which is way behind...must catch up this week.
I did however find a wedding dress and did not yell at any mother or sales person and Peter cleaned the hairy toilet so that counts.

Today I am not sure how I will do with exercising because I feel like I am coming down with something but I brought my coffee and ate yogurt this morning.

Friday night I drank two glasses of wine but that was not my fault there was a 45 minute wait for dinner...had to do something while I waited.

Ok so today:
- Eat healthy
- Exercise if not feeling too sick
- Read rest of June in Bridget

That is good....

Friday, January 02, 2004

OK today so far I am doign alright although I failed this morning with the yogurt....due to the unexpected snow I was thrown with the need to start the car brush the snow and completly forgot the yogurt. I did however remember my I bought a bagel with egg and cheese (no bacon though YAY good for me).

Today I will:
-Eat a healthy lunch
-Go see a movie...will not sit at home on couch doing nothing
-If eat out will not eat bread prior to salad and only consume one glass of wine, no need to drink two if going to see movie right after

While I am here I will do tomorrow also
- Try on a ridiculous number of wedding dresses
-Not get angry at any sales woman, mother of any sort, my weight, lack of color due to lack of tanning, height or wedding in general
-Go to wedding expo and enjoy myself
-Must finish what needs to be read for the week in the bridget book....have fallen way behind
-Clean hairy toilet

That is enough......

Happy new year! I actually did pretty well the past 1.5 days since my last post...

I went to get my tour and meet with the trainer at G0ld's - and I actually joined. The startup fee was only $99, and it's $35 a month, which is more than I thought but not too bad at all. I will be meeting with a trainer on Sunday to get measured and weighed - eep. It's been a long time since I did something like that.

Chad and I are goign to Pilates on Monday nights at 7:30 - he belongs to the same gym. There is also a class on Wednesday nights at 6:30 called Martial Arts Fitness which I think I am going to take - I hope it is kind of like Pete's kickboxing class.

New Year's Eve was fun - we had great food and lots of wine and I think everyone had a good time. No one was too terribly plastered and no one puked. Whoo.

Today so far I am doing ok but not great. Breakfast was coffee (from home) and leftover quesadilla from yesterday. So at least i didn't buy anything but hello, lots of cheese. Tonight I will be taking it easy because I have an alcohol education class from 8:30 to 4:30 tomorrow, blegh. At least it is getting part of my probation stuff taken care of.

Goals for today/this weekend:
-find someplace close to work that has salad/soup & sandwich stuff, so as not to eat chinese takeout all the time.
-have a quiet evening tonight - no wild partying
-go to stupid alcohol education thing tomorrow
-get weighed and measured on Sunday. Work out after.
-clean and do laundry

Thursday, January 01, 2004

I made it through New Year's and I drank, did not have a hangoover nor did I get sick....pretty good I must say for myself.

I think that I am going to keep my New Year's resolutions as previously mentioned......

Yesterday I brought my coffee and a yogurt...I did not however do well the rest of the day.
Lunch was at On the Border where I managed to consume at least two baskets of chips and dip myself followed by a giant burrito.
Dinner consisted of a stop at Mc Donald's where I had chicken nuggets and some fries....then went out for pizza and proceeded to drink for the rest of the evening....
Today I am here in Providence visiting with Rob...I will not make any promises about what I eat today.
Tomorrow is back to work where I will attempt to regain myself. Although I did make it to the gym twice this week. Must go tanning tomorrow in preparation for wedding dress shopping....don't want to be pale white trying on white dresses...scary!

Happy New Year!

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