Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Yesterday's not so ambitious goals:

-Do not crash car in the snow. You wouldn't think this was a big accomplishment, but it really is. You should see all the freaking snow.
-Go to gym. Ran ran ran.
-See boyfriend at some point. He made me dinner! Whoo!
-Go to bed early. Well, early-ish even though I slept like crap. Sigh.

How much do I love the gym now? I'm not even kidding, it has helped me be so much less stressed out with my family and everyone... and much less crabby also. Who knew less free time would leave me less crabby instead of more?

Also, talked (over email) with Mac yesterday about South Beach, and she gave me some good tips. It doesn't sound like I was eating enough - I was using the same tupperware containers I alwasy bring my lunch in, but i was bringing salad instead of pasta or rice/stirfry. Duh, you need to eat a LOT more salad to even come close to having enough calories to keep your body moving. So I'm trying to start again and hopefully it will go better this time.

Anyway. Today:

-Try and stick to my South Beach.
-Go to gym.
-Don't have more than a couple of drinks at the concert tonight.
-Be nice to boyfriend's friend who is coming to stay for 2 to 7 days and who is going to seriously mess up my routine.
-Cut up some celery to bring for snacks tomorrow with hummus.

That should do it. Back to work!

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