Saturday, April 03, 2004

Goals from two weeks ago:

-Gym at least three times again.
-Lift weights some more.
-Do not flip out about finances re: credit cards, mortgage application, etc.
-Find an apartment or a house (depending on mortgage approval. eek.)
-Drink lots of water.
-Do not spend money.

So yay, I was pretty good. But man, a lot of things have changed in the past couple of weeks. So here goes:

-Do not get way too stressed about second job at Tarjay, which I got to help offset costs of house.
-Do not freak out about whether our bid will be accepted on the house.
-Do not spend money.
-Be nice to the boyfriend when he is wishy washy about the house.
-Do not eat junk.
-Go to the gym as much as possible, with two jobs and this house-buying crap.

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