Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Weekend goals:

-Go to gym on Saturday for sure & Sunday hopefully.
-Have lunch at NY Burrito with Chad & don't eat complete crap.
-Mail car insurance. Seriously. They're going to drop it if they don't get some money soon.
-Make turkey, turkey stock, and that veggie soup Mac posted on her blog the other day.
-Do dinner & a movie with boy on Saturday.
-Opera tonight with boy, Mitch & Nai, & Maneesh.
-Sleep in late & stay in bed as long as possible.
-Clean bedroom & get rid of some stuff.

Sick as a dog so didn't go to the gym at all. Snowed a ton so was pretty much totally unproductive all weekend. Sigh.


-Get recording stuff done so as not to be behind anymore.
-Contact realtors re: scheduling.
-Make turkey, stock & that soup.
-Finish laundry & put away clothes.
-Stick with south beach.

I finally brought enough snacks & stuff that I think I can probably stay with it today. I don't think I was eating enough the first time I tried - today is a new day! Viva la diet.

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